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H2-Compass Project


Evaluating current studies

In a wide-ranging and continuous evaluation of studies and strategy papers, we examine political objectives as well as estimated hydrogen demand and production capacities.

Focus and objectives

Our approach is technologically neutral, meaning that we consider all technologies, with none excluded in advance. We provide an overview of expectations and political objectives in Germany, in the European Union and in potential exporting nations. Based on a robust set of studies and data, we identify and analyse contradictions in these and highlight open questions. We seek to verify and discuss our data and results with experts.

To this end, we continuously analyse roadmaps and studies, verify the plausibility of their results and discuss our conclusions with experts. Furthermore, from the detailed analysis of studies and from expert interviews, we derive research and development needs. Finally, we compile all information into our H2-Compass tool.

Our activities

Stakeholder Dialogue

Via our extensive dialogue, stakeholders can elaborate a common vision of the hydrogen economy, with the goal of climate neutrality by 2045.

More on the stakeholder dialogue

Sounding Board

The H2-Compass project is accompanied by a sounding board consisting of highly experienced hydrogen researchers and practitioners from academia, business and civil society think tanks. This ensures a holistic and high-quality perspective.

More on the sounding board

The H2-Compass Team

With our varied professional backgrounds, perspectives and experiences, we are equipped to meet the diverse requirements of the project.

More on the project partners and team


Michaela Löffler

Michaela Löffler
Scientific Officer, DECHEMA



H2-Compass is a project of acatech and DECHEMA. The project is funded by BMBF and BMWK.