Wasserstoff-Moleküle und ein Kompass


Pathfinder for a future hydrogen economy

Germany aims to be climate-neutral by 2045. Clean hydrogen presents a means of defossilising all sectors. It also opens up new economic growth opportunities for Germany. Our project team at DECHEMA and acatech is devising the H2-Compass. It presents different options policymakers can take to shape the development of the German hydrogen economy.

H2-Compass Project Profile

  • Full project title
    Verbundvorhaben H2-Compass: Werkzeug zur Erstellung einer Roadmap für eine deutsche Wasserstoffwirtschaft (H2-Compass joint project: A tool for creating Germany's national hydrogen roadmap)
  • Funding institutions
    Federal Ministry of Education and Research / Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
  • Project number
  • Total funding amount
    4.25 million euros
  • Partners
    acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering e.V. and DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V. (Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology)
  • Project duration
    June 2021 to May 2023


H2-Compass as the basis for a targeted research and innovation policy agenda

Throughout the project, we will develop possible courses of action towards a hydrogen economy in Germany from a research and innovation policy perspective. The National Hydrogen Strategy of the German Federal Government stipulates that the H2-Kompass will provide the basis for a National Hydrogen Roadmap.


Data collection via a meta-analysis and a stakeholder dialogue

Via a meta-analysis, we collect data on the development potential of a hydrogen economy in Germany, creating an up-to-date and robust database of needs and capacities through the continuous evaluation of studies, strategies and roadmaps. In an extensive stakeholder dialogue involving industry, academia, civil society and public administration, we are facilitating a common understanding of a German hydrogen economy – for climate neutrality by 2045.

Our activities


In a wide-ranging and continuous evaluation of studies and strategy papers, we examine political objectives as well as estimated hydrogen demand and production capacities.

More on the meta-analysis

Stakeholder Dialogue

Via our extensive dialogue, stakeholders can elaborate a common vision of the hydrogen economy, with the goal of climate neutrality by 2045.

More on the stakeholder dialogue

Sounding Board

The H2-Compass project is accompanied by a sounding board consisting of highly experienced hydrogen researchers and practitioners from academia, business and civil society think tanks. This ensures a holistic and high-quality perspective.

More on the sounding board

The H2-Compass Team

With our varied professional backgrounds, perspectives and experiences, we are equipped to meet the diverse requirements of the project.

More on the project partners and team


Alena Müller

Alena Müller
Communications Officer, acatech

+49 30 2063096 33



H2-Compass is a project of acatech and DECHEMA. The project is funded by BMBF and BMWK.