Germany aims to have a climate-neutral economy by 2045 at the latest. The German government set this target with their 2021 amendment of the Federal Climate Change Act. Hydrogen will have an important role to play in achieving this goal. Produced from renewable energies, it offers energy- and emissions-intensive sectors a path to a climate-neutral future. At the same time, hydrogen opens up new growth opportunities for the German industry and economy.
To enable German policymakers to set the framework for a sustainable, successful hydrogen economy, our H2-Compass project is working out development paths and options for action as the basis for a national hydrogen roadmap. With this goal, we sought to learn how stakeholders from business, academia, public administration and civil society envision the German hydrogen economy in the years 2030 and 2050. The online, anonymous stakeholder survey took place in autumn 2021.
The full results of the survey are availble here for downlad (in German only).
You can also download a brief dossier of survey results on enabling and hindering factors as well as on measures for promoting the acceptability of hydrogen (technologies). The PDF is currently available in German only – however, its contents can be viewed in English on this page. Scroll down for more!